Thanks, Matt. Self awareness is huge! Looking back at my time in the pastoral ministry one key event sticks out. It was on a coaching call and I was telling my coach about my upcoming church council meeting. He noticed that I was planning to try to "sell" them on something I wanted them to pursue. When he questioned my use of the term "Sell" I began to ponder what was happening in me. I realized it really was not my place to "Sell" anything. From that time on, I was careful to try to leave my ego out of it and "Offer" what I had in mind. Not sure if it changed what actually happened in the church, but it sure changed the way I approached and evaluated what we were doing.

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this is beautiful, Steve. Thanks for sharing it!

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If we all learned these, what a world it would be!

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Very solid list. I agree with every one.

If I may be so bold to add my five:

1. How to cope with deconstruction

2. The importance of personal spiritual health

3. Financial savvy both in churches/ministries and as clergy

4. Dealing with church/ministry trauma

5. Finding more opportunities as a woman in vocational pastoral roles

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yes! love this list, Samantha. Thanks for sharing.

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Thanks, Matt!

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So helpful. Thank you again for putting down things like this, which cause me to reflect on my own journey. This one resonates for sure.

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that's so great, Jon. I'm grateful it resonates!

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Might we label “failure” as “humility”? In my opinion, they seem to go hand in hand.

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yes, i like that.

the humble are not averse to failure.

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I agree, Matt. A failed chaplain residency, a helpful cohort during that year and learning about Kairos moments and how to reflect with others saved me. These experiences enabled me to admit defensiveness, clarity on emotions I am feeling in the moment and the need to be honest before God. We’ve hit more hard times with forced retirement and health issues for both of us and don’t know where I’d be without the graces that seminary didn’t offer. All the head knowledge in the theological world hasn’t grown me.

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